Episode 55

Pioneer your Business

Feat. Jack Hallam Growth and Community Lead at Ammo Marketing


After High School into Uni
Entrance to Startups and Ecommerce
How he got into Ammo Marketing
Travelling after Graduation
Jack's perspective on building a business
What is Jack doing now?
Jack's expectations for startups in Perth
Interested in working with Ammo?


Jack stepped into the world of management consulting for startup businesses after high school. His early experience working at an accounting firm helped with his experience of working with many startups. During his time at Bloom, he gets an invitation to apply for work at Ammo Marketing. And here he is now.

His journey with Ammo is a wild ride. One of them he shared was about remote work. Due to COVID-19, Ammo also implemented remote work, and their way to make it work was to over-communicate with quality. Regular reports were a habit made by the Ammo crew.

Jack also shared how Ammo had changed its business model into a monthly subscription service. This now widely adapted model helped Ammo to cover their overhead and continue their passion for helping businesses grow online.

The topic of content branding also came up. Both Jack and Jesse talked about the hardships and importance of content creation. Content is not something that people can make in a second. After all, it is the touchpoint of your brand for the customers.

This episode is wrapped up with Jack’s expectations of tech startups. Jack claimed the situation in Perth is getting better for startups. More money is coming into Perth and mature startup owners are tutoring younger owners. He was excited and hoping for those younger owners to develop the ecommerce space in Perth.

Jack added that Perth is a great place to test your ecommerce business idea. If your business can survive in a place like Perth, you will likely perform well in other urban cities as well.

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