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Terms and Conditions

KeepSpace Terms and Conditions as of last update 2nd October 2023.


1. Definitions

1. Definitions

Abandoned Account: If you fail to pay your Usage Fees for more than 14 days, Keep Space may reclassify your Account as an “Abandoned Account” at its sole discretion. Additionally, any Account that remains unpaid for more than 30 days will automatically be categorised as an Abandoned Account.

Account Information: Within your User Account, you can store all data related to your personal and commercial information, such as your name, company details, and product information.

API Integration: A set of functions and procedures that enable the creation of applications accessing the features or data of an operating system, application, or other service.

Credit Card: A credit card that supports Visa, MasterCard, or Amex and can be used for both domestic and international transactions, including debit card functionality.

Charges: The rates, charges, fees, and surcharges agreed upon with Keep Space for our services, whether explicitly or implicitly. This includes any expenses required by law, regulation, order, authority, or any other entity related to market, harbour, dock, railway, airline, shipping line, roadway, customs, excise, or warehouse. It encompasses duties, excise, costs incurred for goods due to the Services, and any applicable taxes (including GST).

Consignments: A batch of goods destined for delivery, also referred to as an Order in our system.

Cut Off: A specific time when orders within a fulfilment centre’s time zone will not be processed on that business day, typically at 12 p.m. in that fulfilment centre’s timezone.

Dispute Period: Usage Fees (excluding carrier or third-party fees) charged against your User Account that are eligible for dispute with Keep Space within 14 days of the fee being charged.

Efforts: Keep Space’s efforts encompass labour involved in inbound and outbound processes, storage of goods, order fulfilment, order preparation, administration, and customer service management within our fulfilment centres.

Ecommerce Orders: User online orders that are added to the Keep Space Site, either through manual entry or API Integration.

Excluded Goods – Dangerous Goods and each of the following items: currency, cash and banknotes; negotiable instruments of any kind; gold, silver and other precious metals; jewellery; gemstones; wrought or unwrought metals; antiques; works of art; securities; drugs; weapons; living animals or plants; human tissue, organs, blood or blood products; refrigerated/perishable items; glass, china, household goods exceeding $500 in value per consignment unless certified professionally packed as required by us or as otherwise agreed in writing; personal effects; second-hand goods, used goods, cigarettes, tobacco and tobacco products; solar panels, any valuable documents; large sporting goods including but not limited to kayaks, surf skis, longboards (malibus), windsurfers or similar equipment exceeding 3 metres in length; Goods packaged in envelopes or despatched on a prepaid service (unless otherwise agreed in writing by Keep Space).

Force MajeureAny circumstance or cause beyond our control, including but not limited to inclement weather, acts of God, industrial disputes, air traffic control, unserviceable aircraft, war, terrorist acts, nuclear explosions, floods, fires, embargoes, litigation, strikes, lockouts, riots, civil commotion, instructions from an airline captain, or acts of public authorities, governments or their agencies or political subdivisions thereof

Fragile Goods: Items made of glass, porcelain, enamel, or fibreglass, as well as any furniture, household, or personal effects labelled as fragile. This term excludes Semi-Fragile Goods.

Fulfilment Centre: Keep Space storage warehouse where User SKUs are stored, picked, packed, and shipped. This is where all Keep Space Efforts are organised.

GST: Goods and services tax, value-added tax, or similar taxes.

Inbound Order: An order shipment arriving at a Keep Space property.

Implied TermsTerms, conditions and warranties that are implied by law into contracts for the supply of goods and services, including but not limited to those implied by the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth).

Keep Space – Keep Space Pty Ltd ACN 612 000 932

Marks: All trademarks, service marks, and logos included on the Site.

Outbound Order: An order shipment leaving or dispatching from one or multiple properties managed by Keep Space.

Policies: Keep Space’s standard practices for a given service area.

Site: The Keep Space Website.

Site Content: A limited, revocable, non-transferable, non-exclusive right to use Keep Space Content and Third Party Content such as but not limited to images, video, audio, copy and logos

SKU: Store Keeping Unit.

Terms of Service: The governing document of the terms of service by Keep Space Pty Ltd.

Web Service: Keep Space’s web-based portal, application integration, and data linking services through the Keep Space website.

Usage Fees – The fees for any Keep Space Service Efforts and any third-party fees (including, but not limited to carrier fees, shipping fees, rates of duty, international brokerage charges, freight charges, insurance premiums, storage rates, integrations, integration updates, user website reference checks, SKU updates, fixing incorrect freight details, recalls, recollections or any other charges given during your use of Keep Space Services) ordered through your User Account and any special or additional fees assessed against your Account as permitted in these Terms or the Policies.

User Account: Keep Space’s web-based portal where you can access information about your goods, data, and integrations.


1. Inbound Orders | 2. Storage | 3. Picking and Packing

1. Inbounds

1.1 Inbounds of Parcels and Pallets

Keep Space has established receiving requirements for inbound parcels and pallets at our warehouses. Failure to meet these requirements may result in additional fees, as outlined below. A standard receiving process includes:

1.1.1 Ensuring each inbound is added to the Keep Space Platform before arrival, providing details of all SKUs, quantities, and the carrier responsible for the order.

1.1.2 Providing identifiable SKU IDs and readable barcodes for each product landing, allowing for efficient scanning and documentation.

1.1.3 Ensuring that boxes and cartons are securely taped and sealed, and pallets are properly wrapped upon arrival at the warehouse inbound areas.

1.1.4 Attaching a completed packing list of the inbound order for sender confirmation.

1.1.5 Labelling boxes weighing over 22kg as “overweight” for the safety of our operational team.

1.1.6 Applying inbound order number stickers to boxes for system recording and readability.


1.2 Inbound of Containers

Keep Space has established receiving requirements for inbound containers at our warehouses. Failure to meet these requirements may result in additional fees. A standard receiving process includes:

1.2.1 Notifying and scheduling all container arrivals with our operations managers in the respective city of allocation.

1.2.2 Container shipping companies at the last stretch are coordinated with our operations team to ensure space availability and time of holding.

1.2.3 Limiting container holding time to no more than 3 days, requiring coordination with the operations team for arrival and removal.


1.3 Importing 

1.3.1 Keep Space is not an importer of products or SKUs to the warehouses. Your organisation is responsible for preparing its own importation requirements for goods into Keep Space Fulfilment Centers.

1.3.2 If any fees, duties, or taxes apply to shipments, these fees will be invoiced to your account through the wallet feature and included in the weekly invoice runs within the Keep Space platform.


1.4 Inbound discrepancies  

1.4.1 In cases where inbound orders arriving at Keep Space Fulfilment Centres are inaccurate, this information will be added to your order chat information for reference. Depending on the extent of additional work required for clarification and data improvement with your suppliers, inbound error administration fees may be charged.

1.4.2 Inbound orders should be generated on the platform for SKUs intended for distribution across our Fulfilment Centers. Inbound orders generated for returns will be cancelled by our operations and support team.

1.4.3 Incorrect sizing and weight information for SKUs in the system may incur an hourly rate for additional administration work to update the SKUs.

1.4.4 If a discrepancy is found in inventory counts compared to declared order totals within an inbound, Keep Space will take responsibility for declaring the count total of the landed goods. Photographs may be taken if necessary for discrepancies beyond 15% of differences in counts.

1.4.5 Users within your organisation are responsible for the accuracy of SKU attribute information. They should provide Keep Space with accurate, complete, and sufficient information for the SKUs placed on the platform.


2. Storage

2.1 Cubic Storage Management

2.1.1 Keep Space operates based on cubic measurements to calculate SKU volume, which is then multiplied by the quantity. This total volume is considered as the organisation’s storage usage, and it’s important to note that this storage usage is invoiced according to specific billing cycle timeframes.

2.1.2 Pallet and shelf spacing are not separately charged; charges apply based on cubic usage of the SKU itself.

2.1.3 Keep Space reserves the right to determine the storage locations for your SKUs as appropriate for operational processes.

2.1.4 Unfit, damaged, dangerous, illegal, below-standard, or special attention-requiring SKUs may be refused, disposed of, or returned to your organisation at your cost.

2.1.5 You will receive an email notification one month prior to the shipment of goods for collection, allowing your organisation’s users access to the return storage for collection.


2.2 Return Storage Management

2.2.1 Keep Space operates return storage separately from the main warehousing area. The storage space allocated to your organisation is charged as part of a minimum cubic volume per week rate, whether or not the space is utilised for returns during that invoice period.

2.2.2 Access to return storage is available to your organisation and its registered users within the portal. Access may require identification verification, such as a driver’s licence.

2.2.3 Four times a year, Keep Space ships returns storage from your return area to the head office on file within the Keep Space Portal. These shipping dates are on the first day of each financial quarter:

  • 1st January
  • 1st April
  • 1st July
  • 1st October If your organisation does not provide a head office address within your portal for return shipments and our operations and support team cannot retrieve an address within a reasonable period (30 days after the return shipping dates in clause 2.2.3), Keep Space reserves the right to dispose of the returns.

2.2.4 Your organisation authorises Keep Space to ship returns to your head office and apply the charge to the next invoice period.

2.2.5 After a user from your organisation has collected items from return storage, they are responsible for removing the returns and themselves from the fulfilment centre to facilitate ongoing operations.

2.2.6 Any SKUs from returns review left behind by users of your organisation will give Keep Space the right to dispose of the SKUs and apply cleaning fees to your organisation’s invoice period.


3. Pick and Packing

3.1 Order Processing and Cut-Off Time

3.1.1 Keep Space processes all Outbound Orders received in the Keep Space Portal by 12 p.m. local Fulfilment Centre time, known as the Cut-Off time, on the same business day, subject to carrier pull times and up to 120% of the Outbound Forecast unit volume.

3.1.2 Orders received within the business day timeframe are subject to two qualifying service requirements: timing and capacity. Keep Space Fulfilment Centres have a daily business timeframe, with the Cut-Off time at 12 p.m. in that Fulfilment centre’s time zone. The only reason that it would not be dispatched is under Keep Space has a daily capacity limit for order fulfilment, which depends on factors such as seasonal variations and your organisation’s forecasts. Capacity is allocated based on the priority of your organisation’s arrival at the fulfilment centre and availability within the Cut-Off time. Keep Space may delay order fulfilment if conditions in and are not met to ensure the health and well-being of its operational team. Keep Space will make reasonable efforts to process the orders on the same business day. If it cannot do so, it will process the order by the close of business on the next business day.

3.1.4 If an order is received after the Cut-Off Time and is identified by your organisation as Urgent, your organisation can request an Urgent Order. Keep Space has the final decision to process or not, depending on the volume and time of the business day. If processed, your organisation will incur an Urgent Order fee in the next invoicing period.

3.1.5 If Keep Space does not have enough inventory to fulfil an order on the day received, your organisation will be notified through the Portal with a “No Stock” status. Your organisation is responsible for managing backorders and allocation decisions.


3.2 Packing Material

3.2.1 Keep Space provides a stock range of packing materials for handling orders. The cost of materials is included in handling pricing and cannot be negotiated.

3.2.2 Your organisation has the option to use its own packing materials, which will be treated as an additional SKU in your fulfilment order, incurring an additional picking price.


3.3 Prepping and Assembly

3.3.1 Keep Space supports your organisation’s preparation and assembly needs, especially for products requiring assembly or specific sequencing of multiple SKUs. Clear and concise instructions from your organisation are required for entry into the Keep Space portal.

3.3.1 If discrepancies or challenges arise in the instructions, Keep Space will work with your organisation to ensure clarity and adherence to your instructions.

3.3.3 All assembly processing incurs a fee, which will be invoiced in your organisation’s following invoice period.


3.4 Public Holidays

3.4.1 Keep Space Fulfilment centres located within cities where national public holidays occur will be closed on those days.


1. Outbound Orders | 2. Domestic | 3. International | 4. Forecasts

1. Outbounds

1.1 Outbound Orders on your behalf

1.1.1 Organisations allow Keep Space to ship their orders on their behalf and utilise Keep Space shipping partnerships to send their goods to their customers’ addresses.

1.1.2 Rates and service quotations are estimates based on information provided by your organisation. Final rates and services may vary based on the shipment actually tendered. Charges will be assessed based on the rates effective on the day of shipment processing. Keep Space may retroactively assess or adjust fees and restrict certain aspects of your organisation’s account if errors are discovered beyond Keep Space’s control.

1.1.3 Additional fee charges may include levies, customs, taxes, failed deliveries, returns, labour waiting times, re-consignment, and re-directions. Keep Space reserves the right to invoice additional fees into your organisation’s next invoice period, along with administrative fees for address corrections and carrier adjustments billed to Keep Space by transportation carriers and agencies.


2. Domestic Outbounds

2.2 Domestic Outbounds of Parcels and Pallets

2.2.1 Cubic and Dead Weight: The costs to transport goods are dependent upon carrier space and weight limitations and carrier dimensional weight policies. Thus, bulky shipments requiring considerable space are often charged a cubic weight.

Keep Space utilises a range of carriers that have shipments tendered to us and is charged according to the actual weight or the cubic weight, whichever is greater. Cubic weight is computed by taking the cube of the exterior dimensions of the shipping carton (Length x Width X Height) / Dim Factor. Different carriers and services use different dim factors and may change these from time to time. Keep Space will compute the cubic weight for each carton based on the carrier terms and conditions in place at the time the order is quoted for processing. Actual Weight is calculated by taking the product weights + carton tare weight (this is the empty container weight) + void fill weight. Billable weight is the greater of the Cubic weight or Actual weight and rounded UP to the next billable weight break (typically the next gram or kg) for that carrier and service.

2.2.2 An Organisation’s shipment that is destined for, a remote location or a location distant from a commercial centre may be assessed to additional charges and may incur additional transit day(s). Known surcharges like fuel surcharges and delivery area surcharges will typically be included at the time of shipment. Some surcharges and fees are not known until after delivery has been made, (e.g. wait time, additional delivery attempts, redirect fees, address correction fees). you are responsible for any invoiced surcharge or fee for shipments from your Organisation’s account. Keep Space may invoice these charges in arrears without additional notice into the next invoice period

2.2.3 Accurate weight and dimension information must be entered when adding new SKUs to the Keep Space platform. Incorrect information may lead to overpayment or underestimation of shipping fees. Your Organisation’s account will back-invoice the difference in the case of underestimation. However, Keep Space is not responsible for refunds due to overpayment resulting from erroneous information. If your organisation discovers any inaccuracies, please inform Keep Space promptly. All shipping costs quoted are estimates until billed by the shipping carriers. Keep Space reserves the right to edit dimensions and weight at its discretion to reflect actual packing requirements.

2.2.4 Your organisation is responsible for the accuracy and deliverability of order shipping addresses. Keep Space may verify some shipping addresses, but it is not a substitute for your organisation’s address diligence. If an estimate is based on an inaccurate or incomplete address, your organisation is responsible for address correction fees or any differences in shipping costs. Examples of discrepancies include, but are not limited to: incomplete addresses, inaccurate/incomplete commercial/residential addresses, and inaccurate/incomplete rural addresses.


3. International Outbounds

3.1 International Outbound of Parcels and Pallets

3.1.1 Keep Space offers international shipping on a “best efforts” basis and reserves the right to charge additional items, international documentation or per shipment handling fees for any international shipment

3.1.2 Keep Space will make best efforts to display these in shipping estimates. However, Keep Space cannot guarantee delivery due to uncertainties in cross-border shipping. Customs and customs agents can introduce delays, refuse processing, assess brokerage fees, and impose customs, taxes, or duties at their discretion. Even well-documented shipments can be returned without any reasons provided.

3.1.3 Keep Space encourages your organisation to consider last-mile delivery within the destination country to avoid unknowns and extra costs. Keep Space will not refund or guarantee lost or returned international shipments and recommends tracking and insurance for all international shipments.

3.1.4 Your organisation is responsible for fraud prevention related to international shipments. You are responsible for all fees related to international shipments charged by shipping carriers and recipient countries.

3.1.5 Carriers may return international shipments, incurring return shipping, brokerage, and returns processing carrier fees. These charges are invoiced in your organisation’s invoice periods, often without notice.

3.1.6 Keep Space will work with Organisations to circumvent International returns or abandon inventory at the Organisation’s request. This is done on a best-efforts basis, and Keep Space reserves the right to assess administration fees.

3.1.7 Customs, duties, and taxes on international shipments charged by carriers are the responsibility of your organisation and will be invoiced in your organisation’s next invoice period, regardless of whether they were included in the initial shipping estimate or whether the order was delivered.

3.1.8 Keep Space shipping Quotations as to shipping fees, rates of duty, international brokerage charges, freight charges, insurance premiums or other charges given during your use of Keep Space Services are for informational purposes only and are subject to change without notice and shall not under any circumstances be binding upon Keep Space. Quotations accepted through Keep Space Services’ online interfaces and APIs are estimates based on the information you have supplied. An Organisation’s final shipping charge may differ based on carrier shipping prices, the actual characteristics of an Organisation’s dimensions and weight, the delivery address, and services requested during the normal course of delivery. Keep Space specifically disclaims liability for any shipping rate errors due to information you have supplied, such as dimensions and weights you have entered into our Portal. Keep Space disclaims liability for any shipping rate errors due to failures in communication with shipping carriers that are outside of Keep Space’s control.


4. Forecasts

4.1 Tier 3 and 4 Organisations

4.1.1 Tier 3 organisations must provide monthly volume forecasts at the beginning of the year to Keep Space. Timely and accurate forecasts are crucial for managing monthly volume movements.

4.1.2 Failure to provide monthly volume forecasts for Tier 3 organisations or above may lead to delays in orders due to lack of communication, which Keep Space will not be responsible for.

4.1.3 Keep Space will adjust fulfilment centre capacity based on your organisation’s monthly volume predictions.

4.1.4 If your organisation’s volume falls below the expected forecast, and Keep Space has hired additional staff to manage that volume, Keep Space reserves the right to pass on the additional labour charge to your organisation for that monthly period.

4.1.5 If your organisation’s volume exceeds the expected forecast, Keep Space will strive to process up to 120% of the forecasted capacity. Keep Space reserves the right to allow delays in shipments for the well-being of its staff due to this oversight and to prioritise the removal of all excess orders within the Keep Space portal through its fulfilment centres. Keep Space will not be responsible for excess orders that the Organisation failed to declare on its monthly forecast. If Keep Space has willing staff, it may communicate with Tier 4 organisations and above about accessing overtime hours at an additional labour rate. If your organisation agrees to the price, Keep Space will invoice the additional labour charges in the following invoice period, provided there is capacity to maintain the standard.

Software Platform

1. Unit, Box, Carton | 2. API | 3. Trademarks

1. Types

1.1 Unit, Box, Carton

1.1.1 KeepSpace operates Organisations SKUs into Types. The 4 types we have are Base SKUs, Box SKU, Carton SKU and Pallet SKU.

1.1.2 Organisations when establishing from a manufacture can know the variations of the difference between each type but the linked SKU to the type SKU within KeepSpace software. Illustration below.

2. Website

2.1 Limited Site Content License

2.1.1 Keep Space grants the Organisation the limited, revocable, non-transferable, non-exclusive right to use the Keep Space’ Site Content by displaying the Site Content on the computer, downloading and printing pages from the Site containing Site Content, under the condition that: such activity is solely for your personal, education or other noncommercial use, you do not modify or prepare derivative works from the Site Content, you do not obscure, alter or remove any notice of copyright set forth on any Site pages or Site Content, you do not otherwise reproduce, re-distribute or publicly display any of the Site Content, and you do not copy any Site Content to any other media or other storage format.


3.1 Order Data Transfers

3.1.1 KeepSpace allows three processes in which orders do come to KeepSpace system as listed below; Platform Manual Orders typed in, General API orders via Zapier into KeepSpace Application; and Direct KeepSpace Public API. (


3.2.1 KeepSpace does not allow these process for orders to come to KeepSpace System as listed below; Emails to KeepSpace Text messages to KeepSpace Walk in to our facilities and vocal discussions with our operations team


4.1 Trademarks

4.1.1 All Marks are the property of Keep Space or third parties, and you may not use such Marks without the express, prior written consent of Keep Space or the applicable third party.


1. Privacy | 2. Security

1. Privacy

1.1 Care

1.1.1 Keep Space will undertake to take all due care with any information which Organisation may provide to when accessing our Site. However we do not warrant and cannot ensure the security of any information which Organisations may provide to Keep Space. Information Organisations transmit to KeepSpace is entirely at the Organisation’s own risk although Keep Space undertake to take reasonable steps to preserve such information in a secure manner.


1.2 Confidential Information

1.2.1 Neither Keep Space nor the User shall disclose to any person any confidential information concerning the business, affairs, customers, clients or suppliers of the other party except to: Its employees, officers, representatives, subcontractors or advisers who need to know such information for the purposes of carrying out the party’s obligations under the Agreement. Each party shall ensure that its employees, officers, representatives, subcontractors or advisers to whom it discloses the other party’s confidential information. as may be required by law, a court of competent jurisdiction or any governmental or regulatory authority Neither party shall use any other party’s confidential information for any purpose other than to perform its obligations under the Agreement.


2. Force Majenure

2.1 Breach

2.1.1 Neither party shall be in breach of this Agreement nor liable for delay in performing, or failure to perform, any of its obligations under this Agreement if such delay or failure result from events, circumstances or causes beyond its reasonable control. In such circumstances the affected party shall be entitled to a reasonable extension of the time for performing such obligations. If the period of delay or non-performance continues for one month, the party not affected may terminate this Agreement by giving 14 days’ notice to the affected party.


2.2 Mitigation

2.2.1 If termination occurs under Force Majenure 2.1, all sums paid to Keep Space by the Organisation under this Agreement shall be refunded to the Organisation except that Keep Space shall be entitled to payment on aquantum meruit basis for all work done before termination, provided that Keep Space takes all reasonable steps to mitigate the amount due.

Pricing and Payments

1. Estimations | 2. Wallets | 3. Invoice Periods | 4. Merchants | 5. Minimums | 6. Insufficient Funds

1. Estimations

1.1 Pricing Estimations

1.1.1 Organisations that Users are a part of acknowledge and agree that KeepSpace online cost estimations and online costs simulations on their website and cost analysis are theoretical estimations only. These simulations are to help give potential Users insights to what the costs of a single order fulfilment. It does not include storage, integration or shipping as the cost variables are too great for a simulation.

1.1.2 Quotations for KeepSpace Services and Usage Fees are for informational purposes only and are subject to change without notice and shall not under any circumstances be binding upon KeepSpace on an Organisations should new information be provided by, but not limited to, The shipping carrier, interest rate changes, the landlords of the warehouses KeepSpace occupy, International fuel levies, User’s requests, Government policy updates.

1.1.3 Quotations accepted through KeepSpace Services online interface are estimates based on the information available at the time made. The final rates and service fees may vary based upon the shipment actually tendered, the work actually performed, or a number of factors such as carrier shipping prices, the actual characteristics of your product, the delivery address, and services requested during the normal course of packing and shipping.


2. Wallets

2.1 Wallets 

2.1.1 KeepSpace accepts credit value from Organisation and is recorded within Organisation’s wallets.

2.2.1 Organisations accept that all wallets with existing credit will be utilised each invoicing cycle should credit be available for use.


3. Invoice Periods

3.1 Invoices 

3.1.1 KeepSpace accepts a credit from Organisation and is recorded within Organisation’s wallets. Organisations accept that all wallets with existing credit will be utilised each invoicing cycle should credit be available for use.


3.2 Sequence
On the due date of the invoice to be paid. KeepSpace has two processes it allows for payment to be accepted. The first is with the service merchant, the second is with via bank transfer.
3.2.1 First process
KeepSpace will access your stored card with the third party to request payment processing. Should the payment be deemed successful KeepSpace will record the transaction token to the invoice as proof of payment.
3.2.2 Second process
The second process option is only available to business that provide invoices that are over $2,000 in weekly invoicing.
KeepSpace will await for the User to provide the bank transfer (payment) receipt to the following email
KeepSpace will review their banking statement for all invoices paid via bank transfer from the User one business day (Wednesday) after the due date (Tuesday).
3.2.3 Should the user not have paid their invoice or not provide a receipt to the email  or any visual bank transfer to the exact amount of their invoice. KeepSpace will action the first process to complete the invoice payment only for that week. We will use the same third party provider holding your card on file to process your invoice.


3.3 Payments 

3.3.1 Organisations that Users are a part of acknowledge and agree that KeepSpace online cost estimations and online costs simulations on their website and cost analysis are theoretical estimations only. These simulations are to help give potential Users insights to what the costs of a single order fulfilment. It does not include storage, integration or shipping as the cost variables are too great for a simulation.

3.3.2 As in KeepSpace Terms and Conditions payments are required to be completed on the +1 day after the KeepSpace invoice is released or on the Tuesday of a calendar week.


4. Merchants

4.1 Service Merchant
4.1.1 In KeepSpace has partnered with a third party to safely and securely store users credit card details instead of being in KeepSpace data files.

4.1.2 KeepSpace will send card storing links and card update links from this third party to help capture and manage KeepSpace users financial options.


4.2 Service Merchant Fees

4.2.1 KeepSpace partnered third party will have transaction fees that will be applied to the top of the invoice to ensure payment is processed successfully. To view these fees please see the details below:

4.2.2 Pricing:
Visa and MasterCard Domestic 1.5% + 30cents
Visa and MasterCard International 2.9% + 30cents
American Express Domestic 1.75% + 30cents
American Express International 2.9% + 30cents


5. Minimums

5.1 Minimums
5.1.1 KeepSpace operates with a minimum weekly spend of $115AUD.

5.1.2 KeepSpace minimum spend operates as a base line no matter the previous weeks invoices or future weeks invoices. Each week will be an accumulative total of storage, operations, handling and administration combined to allow a total account of the Organisation’s requirements. Based on the total accumulation should that fall below the minimum weekly spend then the missing gap to reach the minimum weekly spend will be invoiced once.


6. Insufficient Funds

6.1 Process
6.1.1 When accounts team are notified of a lack of funds to the weekly invoice receive process on the due date. The following will be done. 1 days grace is provided and will be reattempt the following business day. If the second attempt failed a notification will be provided to the Organisation. With the notification of the second failed attempt. KeepSpace can choose to apply a late fee. The late fee will be either 2% of the invoice total (inc tax) or minimum of $10 which ever is the larger amount. After the notification and second attempt a third attempt will be active on the last two business days of the current week to attempt to recover the invoice total.

6.1.2 If after 6.1.1 has be through the process and funds have still not cleared the weekly invoice. KeepSpace will choose to amend services to ensure that work provided will not be further in debt to the Organisations operational activities.

6.1.3 After the process of 6.1.1 has been completed KeepSpace will await for notification by the Organisation to allow’s reattempt payment.

6.1.4 Once the invoice is cleared KeepSpace will continue standard operational activities.


1. Support | 2. Limitations of Support | 3. Quality

1. Outbounds

1.1 Outbound Orders on your behalf

1.1.1 Organisations allow KeepSpace to ship their orders on their behalf and utilise KeepSpace shipping partnerships to send their goods to their customers addresses.

1.1.2 Rates and service quotations are estimates and will be based upon the information provided by the Organisation, but final rates and service may vary based upon the shipment actually tendered. Charges will be assessed at the rates effective the day the shipment is processed for fulfillment. Due to potential delays beyond the control of KeepSpace in the discovery of errors KeepSpace reserves the right to retroactively assess or adjust fees, and to make certain aspects of a Organisations account not editable at KeepSpace’s discretion in order to avoid further errors.

1.1.3 Levies, customs, taxes, failed deliveries, returns, labour waiting times, reconsignment, redirections, may all be assessed as additional fee charges and days in transit. KeepSpace reserve the right to invoice the additional fees into the Organisations next invoice period along with KeepSpace administrative fees for address corrections and other carrier adjustments that are billed to KeepSpace by transportation carriers and agencies.


2. Domestic Outbounds

2.2 Domestic Outbounds of Parcels and Pallets

2.2.1 Cubic and Dead Weight: The costs to transport goods are dependent upon carrier space and weight limitations and carrier dimensional weight policies. Thus, bulky shipments requiring considerable space are often charged a cubic weight.

KeepSpace utilises a range of carriers have shipments tendered to us is charged according to the actual weight or the cubic weight, whichever is greater. Cubic weight is computed by taking the cube of the exterior dimensions of the shipping carton (Length x Width X Height) / Dim Factor. Different carriers and services use different dim factors and may change these from time to time. KeepSpace will compute the cubic weight for each carton based on the carrier terms and conditions in place at the time the order is quoted for processing. Actual Weight is calculated by taking the product weights + carton tare weight (this is the empty container weight) + void fill weight. Billable weight is the greater of the Cubic weight or Actual weight and rounded UP to the next billable weight break (typically the next gram or kg) for that carrier and service.

2.2.2 An Organisation’s shipment that is destined to, a remote location or a location distant from a commercial centre may be assessed to additional charges and may incur additional transit day(s). Known surcharges like fuel surcharge and delivery area surcharges will typically be included at the time of shipment. Some surcharges and fees are not known until after delivery has been made, (e.g. wait time, additional delivery attempts, redirect fee’s, address correction fees). you are responsible for any invoiced surcharge or fee for shipments from your Organisation’s account. KeepSpace may invoice these charges in arrears without additional notice into the next invoice period

2.2.3 When your Organisation inputs new SKUs into KeepSpace platform the User must enter accurate weight and measurement dimensions. If the SKU weight or measurement dimensions are smaller than the actual sizing, KeepSpace shipping estimates will be low and when the actual shipping price is incurred by the carrier your Organisation’s account will be back-invoiced the difference. If an Organisations shipping weights and measurement dimensions are greater than the actual product, KeepSpace will overpay the postage and the carrier will not notify KeepSpace or the Organisation owning the SKU of the overpayment. KeepSpace will not be responsible for refunds for overpayment of carrier fees due to erroneous product weight or dimensions. If an Organisation is now aware of the product weight and measurement dimensions please inform KeepSpace. All shipping costs quoted are estimates until billed by the shipping carriers. KeepSpace reserves the right to edit dimensions and weight at its discretion to reflect actual packing requirements.

Closing Orders

1. Process | 2. Stocktake | 3. Account Inactive

1. Process

1.1 Informing KeepSpace

1.1.1 It required that the organisation chooses to close the account to KeepSpace and that the organisation state it clearly that they wish to close the account with KeepSpace. Without doing so all business terms of practise will continue and will invoice weekly and will be required to be paid by the organisation and the owners of the organisations liable to the invoice of services provided.

1.1.2 Once informed of the closing of the account a closing order will be generated into the organisations account and the following will be done to the account during this time: All Integrations will be disconnected from the account to not allow any further orders to continue. Any and all orders will be completed before commencing further. A closing order will be generated by KeepSpace which will entail everything that the organisation has within its warehouse locations.


1.2 Closing Order

1.2.1 A closing order is a required order to allow KeepSpace to bring all the SKUs owned by the organisation together to prepare for shipment. The Organisation agrees on the pick and count of every SKU into boxes and pallets prepared for shipment out of the warehouses that they are located. 

1.2.2 A closing order can be taken into account of a reasonable amount of time to compete based on the following required to be done by Keep Space staff. This can be from 1 business day for a pallet of shipment to 7 business days for multiple pallets to be prepared for shipment Pick every quantity of every SKU located in the warehouses that the organisation has utilised Count every quantity of every SKU located in the warehouses that the organisation has utilised KeepSpace to prepare the closing order in as many boxes and pallets that KeepSpace deems safe to do so for transport no matter it is a pick up or a transport outbound order.

1.2.3 If the Organisation has used more then one warehouse location there will be more then one Closing Order based on each warehouse that is utilised based on the time the organisation chooses to request the closing of the account to Keep Space.


1.3 Invoicing

1.3.1 When the Closing Order is packed it will issue the final invoice to be paid by the organisation. 

1.3.2 This final invoice is provided within a cash is required payment before release of the SKUs within the warehouse are able to be released.

1.3.3 It is the Organisation’s responsibility to complete the payment of this final invoice to have the release of the closing order released from the warehouses that it is located in.

1.3.4 If the invoice was paid via the internal payment system that is used within KeepSpace then KeepSpace hold the right to await for financial settlement to be completed before the release of the closing order.

1.3.5 If the Organisation chooses not to pay for closing order invoice from KeepSpace, the Organisations recognises the breach of the work KeepSpace staff already done to prepare the shipment for travel and will have the SKUs held within the warehouses for a maximum of 30 days awaiting for the payment to be completed. If the Organisation chooses not to pay for and allows for a new business week to pass KeepSpace will invoice the Organisation a storage charge for the SKUs awaiting for release at a flat cubic rate e.g. 1 cubic or 2 or 5 cubic, which ever was similar to what was within the warehouse before the closing order process began. If the Organisation continues not to pay the final invoice to the closing order and surpasses 30 days. KeepSpace will elect for debt collection services to take responsibility of any outstanding debts accumulated and will have the right from the Organisation to place the SKUs by the side of the road or to a donation location to no longer secure the SKUs under KeepSpace’s care due to no longer providing funding for the SKU management of the account and breaching the terms of service.

1.3.6 Once the Funds have settled from the Organisation to KeepSpace. KeepSpace will release the closing order to the shipping provider or collection representative.


2. Final stock take

2.1 Closing Order Stocktake

2.1.1 Keep Space will count the stock of the SKU as a part of the process of closing the final order.

2.1.2 Keep Space will ensure that if there are any SKUs within that account discrepancy will be reviewed and sourced on their reasons for the variation if there is any.


3. Account Inactive

3.1 After The closing order

3.1.1 After the closing order is completed and invoices are settled the account used by the organisation will become inactive.